2019 News Archive

Quiz Night The next one of our Quiz Nights will take place on Saturday 16 November at Emmbrook Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets on sale now (£10) from Robin Gofton – 20 Lowther Close, Tel: 0118 978 9852, Email: [email protected]. Be quick, we usually sell out. Annual subscriptions Members’ annual subscriptions (minimum £5) help pay for our running costs. Most members have paid for this year BUT some haven’t. If that applies to you we would really appreciate payment as soon as possible. ERA Constitution changes We have provisionally made two changes to our constitution in respect of the area we cover (taking account of the new housing development) and committee membership. These will be presented to the next AGM for ratification. Community Forum We asked for the Forum scheduled by WBC at the beginning of October to be rescheduled as we felt it was too soon after the previous one. WBC agreed to this and the next one will be on 22 January 2020 (7-9pm) at Emmbrook Secondary School. The road works taking place off Old Forest Road You will obviously have noticed the work going on in the fields related to environmental protection and features plus preparation for the building of the next phase of the NDR. It is Balfour Beatty’s intention to hold a drop-in session at the Emmbrook Village Hall so that residents can see the detail and get answers to any questions they have. We hope this will be soon and will let you know that date as soon as we have it. Speeding on Old Forest Road WBC have agreed to install two SIDs (speed indication devices) on Old Forest Road as soon as possible. Corfield Green (parking) We await the outcome of June’s public consultation on the proposal to introduce yellow lines around the whole of Corfield Green, the idea being that if introduced that would in effect stop vehicles parking on the grass (because they would be committing an offence by crossing the yellow lines). This is overdue so we are pushing WBC! Corfield Green (bench) We are, however, very pleased that the new bench has been installed for use by local residents.  Please take a look at our post on this. Speeding on new and existing roads WBC have agreed to install two SIDs (speed indication devices) on Old Forest Road as soon as possible.  WBC have so far resisted similar installations or further signage on the new Queen’s Road.  ERA continue to expedite on both matters. Extension to Old Forest Road SANG (natural park areas) As part of the NDR preparation works, Balfour Beatty have been developing additional natural park areas adjacent to Old Forest Road, as an extension of those provided as part of the Matthewsgreen development.  We are pleased to advise that this additional park area was opened over the Easter Weekend.