ERA Quiz Night
After a 3-year hiatus, largely due to COVID19, we returned to holding our annual quiz night in October 2023. It was very successful evening, with a packed hall where we raised £660 for local charities.
Our next quiz night is planned for 18th Oct 2024, in the Emmbrook Village Hall (6pm to 10pm).
Community engagement
Community Forums have in the past been a key way for the Emmbrook community to engage with local Borough and Town Councillors and also with WBC officers. The objective of these forums was to ensure that residents are informed of significant developments and are able to air their views. Partly due to COVID19 impact, but also a reluctance on the part of WBC, these forums have not been held for the past couple of years. We will continue to review the situation with WBC, in an effort to re-start these forums, where they can be of benefit to residents.
In the meantime the ERA aims to hold meetings every 2-3 months with our neighbouring resident associations / representatives (JPRA and Emmbrook Place) along with the three Emmbrook Borough Councillors. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss matters affecting all Emmbrook residents and secure councillors support in addressing any related issues. We expect the next meeting to be in Feb or Mar 2023.
Further details on WBC community engagement can be found on the WBC website, where you can also register for news updates.
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are held in the Emmbrook Village Hall on the first Monday of alternate months. The exceptions are where public holidays occur on those days, and the month of August when no meeting is held due to the holiday season. The starting time for committee meetings is 8.00 pm unless otherwise notified.
Please note that the committee meetings are not open to the public, but if you have any issue that you would like to be raised at committee level please communicate it to the chairman or another member and we will schedule it for discussion at the earliest opportunity.
Forthcoming meetings in 2024 will be held on: 8 Jan, 4 Mar, 13 May, 1 Jul, 2 Sep, 4 Nov
Annual General Meetings
Our last AGM was held on 17 May 2023 at the Emmbrook Village Hall. AGMs are usually held annually and our next one will be held on 17 May 2024.
Wokingham Society
The Society holds Open Meetings, normally on the third Wednesday evening in March and June as well as after the AGM in November. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings. See the Wokingham Society website for upcoming meetings and events.