Subscribe to ERA

New Members

If you are not already a member of the Emmbrook Residents Association, but you are considering joining us, please read on ……

ERA is proud to represent the Emmbrook community with regard to any issues that affect the residents.  Planning is obviously a regular hot topic, but we also get involved with the local schools, liaise with the police, and maintain a dialogue with Wokingham Borough Council and other organisations and authorities whose activities have a bearing on our locality.  We also hold occasional social events, and we aspire to help in developing good community relationships within the Emmbrook area.  We send out regular communications to our members, to keep them apprised of our activities.

As part of our work, we research and publish booklets on the history of Emmbrook, and one free copy of each new booklet is given to each household in membership when it is published.  Additional copies, and copies of earlier booklets are available to purchase at £4 per copy.  If, as we sincerely hope, you decide to become a member a copy of the current booklet will be delivered to you.  We hope you will enjoy reading it.

We hold an AGM in May of each year to which all members are invited.

We hope that you will agree that the modest subscription of £5 per household per annum represents excellent value for money, and that you will decide to join us.  Remember that the greater our membership, the more powerful our voice will be in speaking on behalf of all residents.

If you wish to join ERA, simply download and complete the PDF form here and deliver it together with your subscription to the Treasurer, Andy Goffin, at 4 Fullbrook Close, Emmbrook, RG41 1QZ.

Existing Members

As an existing member you are invited to renew your membership subscription on the due date of 1 June each year.

We know that you will be aware that the committee works hard on your behalf throughout each year, and that this will continue in the coming year.  Membership is growing, and we are very grateful for your support.  It will be very helpful if you can renew your membership as soon as possible, because we spend a lot of time each year chasing up ‘subs’ – time that would be better spent on dealing with local issues.

To renew your subscription for the forthcoming year, please download and complete the PDF form here and deliver it together with your subscription to the Treasurer, Andy Goffin, at 4 Fullbrook Close, Emmbrook, RG41 1QZ.

As always, we welcome your suggestions and help to continue the growth and effectiveness of ERA.  We look forward to your continuing support.