The ERA constitution requires that membership should be available for residents within a specified boundary or catchment area. Associate membership is provided for those residing outside this area. The catchment area has been agreed as follows:

This includes the following roads and areas (alphabetical order):
Amberley Gardens
Ashton Road
Aspen Place
Beckford Close
Bredon Road
Brimblecombe Close
Commons Road
Corfield Green
Defford Close
Elmley Close
Emm Close
Emmbrook Gate
Emmbrook Road
Emmbrook Vale
Evesham Place
Farnesdown Drive
Ferndale Crescent
Fullbrook Close
Landen Grove
Lenham Close
Lowther Close
Lowther Road
Old Forest Road (both sides)
Overbury Avenue
Reading Road (north side – from Old Forest Road to Emmbrook Road)
Summerfield Close
Toutley Close
Toutley Road (both sides, including Linden Homes houses with Toutley Road address but excluding Langman Close)
Village Close
Woodhurst Lane plus – Bellway Homes (Queens Acre site) currently under development