ERA Constitution

This is the constitution of ERA, the Emmbrook Residents Association.  The constitution has been amended below in April 2022 to reflect changes to committee operation and was approved at the AGM on 10 May 2022.



1.1    The Association shall be known as the “Emmbrook Residents’ Association”.

1.2    The object of the Association shall be to promote, discuss and challenge matters which are of concern to members of the Association and to residents generally who live within the agreed boundaries, provided such matters affect or could affect the area covered by the Association.

1.3    The Association shall be strictly non-political and non-sectarian with membership being available to all residents who live within the agreed boundaries.  Applications to join the Association from persons living outside the agreed boundaries will be considered for “Associate Membership” by the Executive Committee on a case by case basis and granted at its discretion on payment of the current subscription with no voting rights conferred.

1.4    The Association’s boundaries shall be:-

  • Old Forest Road (both sides), including Lenham Close, Wayside, Commons Road and all roads that lead therefrom
  • Toutley Road (both sides) and roads that lead from it including all roads on the Vale Estate
  • All roads on the Ashton Road (Flagons) Estate
  • Emmbrook Road
  • Emmbrook Gate
  • Woodhouse Lane
  • Corfield Green
  • Village Close
  • Emm Close
  • Lowther Road, Lowther Close and Evesham Place
  • North side of Reading Road from Old Forest Road to Emmbrook Road and all roads leading from it

The boundaries may be changed by agreement at an Executive Committee meeting.

1.5    The Association may, in furtherance of its objectives, consider affiliation to other Associations or organisations.  Approval for such changes may be sought at an Executive Committee meeting.

1.6    The Association shall promote social activities.

1.7    The Association shall publish news and information concerning its activities to both members and the wider public, as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.

1.8       Executive Committee members shall be subscribing members of the Association.  Only those members of a household who are over 18 are eligible to be elected to the Executive Committee or to vote at General Meetings.

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2.1    The business of the Association shall be conducted by an Executive Committee of not more than twelve members of the Association.

2.2    The election of the Executive Committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.  Nominations for election to the Executive Committee shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least two days before an Annual General Meeting.  Nominees shall be subscribing members of the Emmbrook Residents’ Association and they shall be proposed and seconded by subscribing members of the Association.  They shall also indicate the position for which they wish to be considered, i.e. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or  Committee Member.

Standing Officers of the Emmbrook Residents’ Association shall formally relinquish their position at the AGM.  However, they may put themselves forward for re-election for the following year in the manner described in the preceding paragraph.  Business at the AGM shall be conducted by the existing Officers.

If insufficient nominations are received, additional nominations may be accepted in writing at the AGM of the Association.

The election of the Executive Committee shall be by ballot at the AGM.  In the event of a tie for any office,  the Chairman, who shall not have a vote, shall hold the casting vote, except that in the absence of a Chairman the Secretary’s vote shall be the casting vote.

Those elected to serve on the Executive Committee shall meet within one month from the date of the AGM.

2.3    The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt Executive Committee Members up to the total complement as defined in paragraph 2.1 and to appoint to any vacant position.

2.4    The Executive Committee shall meet once a month or at such other times as the majority at the meeting deems expedient.

Half the members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.

All Executive Committee members present at a meeting shall be entitled to a vote on each issue being voted upon, the result being decided by the majority of votes cast.  In the event of a tie the Chairman, who shall not have a vote, shall hold the casting vote, except that in the absence of a Chairman the Secretary’s vote shall be the casting vote.

Matters which require discussion shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Association not less than five clear days before the due date of an Executive Committee meeting.

Any member of the Executive Committee absent from three consecutive meetings shall be considered to have resigned, unless the committee shall determine otherwise.

 2.5    Each member of the Executive Committee shall undertake to promote the aims of the Association to residents within the agreed boundaries of the Association and to convey the views and problems of residents to the Executive Committee.

2.6       The Executive Committee may appoint at its discretion Sub Committees charged with specific tasks and such Sub Committees shall have the power of co-option.

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3.1    The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held during the month of May.  The Secretary shall give at least fourteen days’ notice of the AGM to all subscribing households, providing a Committee nomination form with this advice.

3.2    The Chairman shall preside at the AGM, except that in the absence of a Chairman the Secretary shall preside. The Treasurer shall provide an appropriate audited financial report.

3.3    An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by the Chairman, except that in the absence of a Chairman it can be called by the Secretary, if called upon to do so by the Executive Committee or at the request of not less than ten subscribing members of the Association, such requests to be in writing to the Secretary stating the business for which the meeting is required.  The Secretary shall convene the meeting within one calendar month and give seven days’ notice of the date, place and time of the meeting to the membership.  The agenda shall include only that business for which the meeting was requested.

3.4       At a General Meeting a quorum shall be ten members. All members at any meeting, shall be entitled to one vote for each issue being voted upon, the issue being determined by the majority of votes cast.  In the event of a tie the Chairman, who shall not have a vote, shall hold the casting vote, except that in the absence of a Chairman the Secretary’s vote shall be the casting vote.


4.1    An annual subscription shall be levied per member household.  This subscription shall be set at £5.00 per annum.  The subscription shall be renewed on 1st June each year.  Any change to this subscription shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

4.2    The financial year of the Association shall run from 1st April to 31st March each year.

4.3    The funds of the Association shall be held in a Bank.  Cheques shall be signed  by any 2 signatures from 3 named Committee signatories.

4.4    An auditor, who shall not be a member of the Executive Committee, shall be appointed for the ensuing year at the AGM of the Association.

4.5    No member shall commit the Association to any financial or other liability without the authorisation of the Executive Committee.

4.6       The Association may be wound up by a resolution approved by the majority of members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association called for that purpose.  Any funds remaining in the Association shall be paid to such charities or organisations and in such shares as the members present at the Extraordinary General Meeting shall decide.

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Amendment of the Constitution may only be made at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

Notice of proposed changes in writing shall be given to the Secretary of the Association.  Amendments to the constitution shall become valid only if approved by a two thirds majority of the members present.

November 2004

Amended May 2010 (2.4)

 Amended August 2010 (Boundaries / format)

 Amended June 2011 (Boundaries)

 Amended May 2014 (Associate Membership)

 Amended April 2022 (Change of committee working)

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