
Welcome to the website of the Emmbrook Residents Association.

We would welcome any comments you might have, especially if you have any suggestions for improving or expanding the content.  Please email your ideas to the webmaster, Chris Mallett, who will be pleased to hear from you.

We look forward to continuing to bring you news and views on matters of interest to the residents of the Emmbrook area.  For the latest news on what’s been happening in our area, please see below ……

What’s New

World Wars Commemoration – Alfred Grover – Sep 2024

We have recently received a series of photos from a World Wars Commemoration held in Santes, France.  The Ceremony included details for an Emmbrook resident, Alfred Grover, who was born in Toutley Hall Bungalow.   Click here for further details.

Quiz night – Friday 18 Oct 2024

Click here for further details of our next quiz.

AGM – Friday 17 May (8pm)

We are holding our 18th AGM this Friday at the Emmbrook Village Hall from 8pm. All members are encouraged to come along, hear a little about what we have been up to and discuss plans for the future over some wine and nibbles.

If you’re not a member yet, feel free to come along to learn more about what we do to represent the residents of Emmbrook, and the benefits of membership.


Wokingham Town Council Civic Awards

We are very proud that Andy Goffin, our treasurer, has received an award for his substantial contribution to local organisations, including Emmbrook Residents Association.  See more here.

Network Rail work (closures & night-time noise)

You may have seen social media posts circulating about closure to the level crossings by the Wokingham Station and also on Easthampstead Road.  These closures are to enable Network Rail to upgrade the signalling equipment in the area.

The work may also mean noise disruption during night-time works affecting Emmbrook residents within the vicinity of the railway.  Network Rail have been unable to be precise about when the work will take place at specific locations, but the overall timescales are detailed below.

Network Rail have advised that progress with the works can be checked here

Traffic volume and speeding
(achievements in 2023)

During 2023 the ERA spent considerable time lobbying Wokingham Borough Council regarding various concerns about increased traffic through the village and speeding.  We are pleased to say this work has been successful in a number of areas:

  • Old Forest Road speed limit reduction – Through a Traffic Regulation Order we were able to achieve a reduction in the speed limit to 30mph (from 40mph).  This is now fully in place.
  • NWDR speeding – Our residents have consistently highlighted concerns with speeding on the new road.  The ERA pushed WBC to carry out speed surveys on various sections of this road.  These surveys highlighted problems at various points and we have persuaded WBC to install 30mph roundels at either end of the NWDR as it passes through Emmbrook.  WBC have committed to monitor this with a follow-up survey in Spring 2024, and also committed to operate mobile “Speed Indicator Devices” (SIDs) at various locations on the road during the year.
  • Increased traffic volume on Toutley Road (old section) – the surveys completed in 2023 showed that traffic during peak time had increased by approx. 400%.  This is likely to be through a combination of traffic diverted from Matthewsgreen Road, and overall increase of traffic since the NWDR was fully opened.  We are working with WBC to consider options of how to encourage traffic to access the NWDR via Reading Road rather than through Emmbrook.

Quiz Night (2023)

After a 3-year hiatus we returned to holding our annual quiz night in October 2023.  It was very successful evening, with a packed hall where we raised £660 for local charities.

Our next quiz night is planned for 18th Oct 2024, in the Emmbrook Village Hall (6pm to 10pm).